
wax-abrasive occlusion platens
individual occlusion surface
two-layer prosthetic devices
soft lining
claspless prosthetic devices
self-hardening rubber-band material
single teeths

How to Cite

І.В. ЯнішенI., Kulish, S., S., & Yarovaya, A. (2019). IMPROVED TECHNIQUES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF REMOVABLE DENTURES USING SELF-HARDENING ELASTIC MATERIAL. Experimental and Clinical Dentistry, 4(3), 50-54.


In prosthetic dentistry, one of the hardest sections is the restoration the function of the masticatory apparatus with removable dentures. The quality of the prosthesis is largely dependent on the choice of the most rational design of dentures, depending on the individual patient’s prosthetic field, namely the state of alveolar processes, their ratio in the mouth; state of the oral mucosa; periodontal status. There are numerous messages where the author, speaking of improving the quality of dentures, pay attention to articulation, occlusion, constructing artificial dentition that affect the fixation and stabilization of dentures. Known methods of constructing artificial dentition on an individual occlusal surface, which is obtained grinding wax-abrasive rollers in the oral cavity of the patient. The authors believe that the use of this technique is best suited for displayed features of chewing muscles and movements of the lower jaw of the patient. We offered advanced technology of fabrication of two-layer removable prosthetic devices with using the rubberband base material to cool vulcanizes: obtaining full anatomical prints of jaw with alginate impression materials; making spoons-bases with wax-occlusion abrasive rollers; determining the height of physiological rest, receive individual occlusal surface by grinding wax-abrasive rollers and fixing a central value of jaws; obtaining functional chewing prints under pressure; setting artificial teeth in the individual occlusal surface; check the wax denture compositions and setting the teeth; plastering wax composition of the prosthesis in the cell, smelting wax; packing basic plastics, polymerization, grinding and polishing the prosthesis; receiving an elastic layer directly in the mouth of the patient using the way of relocation chewing pressure; finishing and imposition the prosthesis. According to this method, we made 40 double-layer complete removable lamellar dentures for 20 patients with unfavorable conditions for the prosthesis in the form of uneven atrophy of the alveolar ridge and mucosa. Made prostheses have good fixation and were stable during chewing function. Correction of prosthesis was not conducted to any of the patients. Offered strategy of fabrication of claspless removable prosthetic devices with use of selfhardenning rubber-band material at presence of single teeths on the mandible and is given its evaluation on results of clinical observations. Method of manufacturing claspless removable partial lamellar dentures we offer is simple, but requires a selfcuring elastic material. It differs from conventional methods of manufacturing complete removable lamellar dentures that: spoon-base with occlusive rollers made by limits of fully removable lamellar prosthesis so that it covered an isolated tooth of the four sides to the height of the crown; base of prosthesis was modeled by the limits of full lamellar dentures so that it covered a single tooth crown. If this is an isolated tooth incisor, canine or premolar, that teeth are visible when talking or smiling, the basis is modeling of the oral surface – at 2–3 mm above the equator, the vestibular – at 1–2 mm above the anatomic neck of the tooth. If an isolated tooth is molar, the basis is modeling from the oral and vestibular surfaces 2–3 mm above the equator. Basis around a single tooth’s made a little thicker. Basis of the finished prosthesis carefully adjusted on the area around a single tooth so that it lies tightly enough to the crown. On the inside of the prosthesis in place thickened base around a single tooth, a layer of plastic is cut about 1 mm in the area of 4–5 mm, departing at 1–1.5 mm from the edge of the hole for the crown. Onto this place self-curing elastic material is applied to, the prosthesis is placed upon the prosthetic bed and ask the patient to close the jaw. In the manufacture of dentures dual-layer elastic material is applied to the entire inner surface of the prosthesis, including the area around a single tooth. After curing the elastic material cut its surplus and finish the prosthesis. All patients for whom were made claspless prostheses by our proposed method had a good fixation of prostheses and their high functional efficiency. Conclusions 1. Method of manufacturing two-layer complete removable lamellar dentures using self-curing elastic materials that we offer provides a functionally complete denture under adverse conditions of prosthetic bed, maximum considering the individual characteristics of prosthetic bed and movements of the lower jaw of the patient. 2. When using our proposed technology, it is greatly facilitates the work of dental appliances in designing of artificial dentition, there is no need to use facial arcs and articulators, also reduced the number of visits for patient. 3. The proposed simple technique can produce fairly stable in the presence claspless prosthetic single teeth, reaching the suction of functional prosthesis. 4. The dual layer claspless prostheses have advantages over dentures claspless with a solid base, because they at our observations were more stable and had more chewing efficiency. 5. Claspless dentures do not contribute to undermining the individual teeth.


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