
60 years old
Faculty of Dentistry
Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky

How to Cite

Ohonovsky, R., Hrynovets, V., Synytsia, V., & Ripetska, O. (2019). 60th ANNIVERSARY OF DENTAL FACULTY OF DANYLO HALYTSKY NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY IN LVОV. Experimental and Clinical Dentistry, 4(3), 63-67. https://doi.org/10.35339/ecd.4.3.63-67


In 2018, the Faculty of Dentistry of the Lvov National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky celebrates its 60th anniversary. During these years, the faculty became a powerful center for the training of dental practitioners and t we are proud of numerous achievements of its members. The foundation of the Faculty of Dentistry was a peculiar result of many years of persistent work of many generations of university professors, dental practitioners and citizens of Lvov, which created the appropriate conditions through scientific achievements and their work during the 19th and 20th centuries. After all, the educational discipline «Art of dentistry (odontology)» appeared for the first time in the curriculum of medical students of Lvov University in 1828. It was taught by Professor of Odontology Karl Prokop Kaliga, and subsequently continued by the surgeon, Master of Dentistry Vincent Shtraski. Professor Kaliga wrote the book «About Teeth Diseases and Methods of Their Treatment», which was published in Vienna (1838), Lvov (1840) and Milan (1841). Since 1902, an associate professor (later professor) Andriy Gon'ko has been teaching dentistry. In 1907, the outpatient department started its work, the purpose of which was to provide free dental care to the population. Associate Professor Theodore Bogosiewicz worked together with Professor A. Gon'ka, and after the death of Professor A. Gon'ka in 1909, managed the clinic of dentistry and read the course of lectures. Subsequently, the clinic was transformed into the institute of dentistry and actually acquired the status of the department of dentistry, which was headed by Professor Anton Cieszinsky from 1913 to 1941. He was the pioneer and introduced the rule of isometry in X-ray and the method of local anesthesia with novocaine and adrenaline (1906), the author of the first atlas in the world (1907) and textbook (1911). He was awarded the International Prize of the World Federation of Dentistry in 1936. (FDI) – Miller's Diploma and Gold Medal. In July 1941, Anton Cieszinsky was killed by the Gestapo together with other professors on the Vuletsky Hills in Lvov. In 1958, the Faculty of Dentistry was opened at the Lvov State Medical Institute. The first dean of the dental faculty was Alexander Vasilievich Koval, the first chief doctor of the stomatological clinic of LDMI, the head of the scientific community of dentists in Lvov, the chief dentist of the regional department of health care, the first doctor of medical sciences in the field of dentistry in Lvov after the World War II. During the past 60 years deans of the Faculty of Dentistry at different times were professors O.V. Koval (1960–1966, 1968–1972), O.Ya. Ukhov (1966–1968), G.S. Chuchmay (1972–1974, 1978–1979), E.V. Hotsko (1974–1978, 1979–1992), I.M. Hoth (1992–2005), R.M. Stupnitsky (2005–2012). In 2012, Doctor of Medical Sciences, prof. R.Z. Ohonovsky was elected the dean of the faculty [6]. At present, the faculty includes five profile departments and the basic dental clinic of the university. The potential of dental departments includes 19 professors, 17 Doctors of Medical Sciences, 55 associate professors, 84 candidates of sciences, 45 assistants. Within 60 years, more than 8,000 students-dentists have obtained their diplomas here. Among the students were Representatives from 40 countries of the world have studied here. Today more than 1060 students are studying dentistry, including about 200 foreigners. The faculty trains dental doctors of general qualification. Graduates of the Lvov School of Dentistry headed departments of higher educational institutions in Kyiv, Odessa, Vinnitsa and other cities of Ukraine, as well as abroad.


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