Endodontic retreatment of permanent teeth in pediatric dentistry using SafeSider instrument system and Endo-Express handpiece
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secondary endodontic treatment
root canal passage
SafeSider instrument system
Endo-Express endodontic handpiece

How to Cite

Nazarian, R., Shcheblykina, N., Kolesova, T., Fomenko, Y., & Golik, N. (2017). Endodontic retreatment of permanent teeth in pediatric dentistry using SafeSider instrument system and Endo-Express handpiece. Experimental and Clinical Dentistry, 1(1), 63-68. Retrieved from https://ecd.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/50


Ability to save originalteeth in pediatric dentistry is of great importance.So, more often patients go to the dentist in order to preserve the teeth and less often agree to removethem. Secondary endodontic treatment is usually more complicated, time-consuming, long and expensive than the primaryone. One of the pediatric dentistry, children's maxillofacial surgery and implantology department activity direction is treatment of this type of pathology.

For many years, in our country the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis in multi-rooted teeth was performed, as a rule, by «amputation» methods using mummification and impregnation techniquesbecause ofthe impossibility of qualitative root canals treatment.

Applying in pediatric dentistry SafeSider instrument system and Endo-Expresshandpiece greatly facilitates passing, wideningand cleaning of root canals, which contributes to successful treatment and favorable prognosis duringsecondary endodontic treatment.

Keywords: secondary endodontic treatment, root canal passage, SafeSider instrument system, Endo-Express endodontic handpiece.

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