Despite the significant number of basic and auxiliary dental materials used at the stages of orthopedic treatment, it becomes clear the urgent need for comparative qualitative assessment of dental dental materials, the main function of which is to inform the physician regarding their optimum selection. The danger of the negative impact of unsuccessful selection of dental materials reveals the urgent need for the development and implementation of qualimetric approaches in their professional activities to ensure required quality of structures and their clinical and functional properties. Of structural materials for orthopedic dental structures by us in laboratory and experimental conditions studied dental plastic, top coat lacquers and cements for permanent fixation of dental prostheses, and functional-structural materials (backing and silicone adhesive).
The results of the study. Plastic hot polymerization of the obtained corresponding qualimetric indicators, their information content is high and ranges (0,343÷0,349) bits. For plastic of cold polymerization also obtained the corresponding qualimetric indicators, the information content of which is high and ranges (0,052÷0,203) bits. Additionally calculated the corresponding process index metalloplastic badges lacquer, the value of which ranges from (14,0÷11,1) units. For the specified materials received also appropriate qualimetric indicators, the information content is high and ranges (0,169÷0,333) bits. We additionally calculated the corresponding process index metaldetin bioadhesive cements for permanent fixing, the value of which varies in the range (2,3÷2,5) units For the specified materials received also appropriate qualimetric indicators, the information content is high and ranges (0,228÷0,297) bits. The strength of the bond (U, kgf/cm2) material for soft linings are investigated on the bases made of acrylic polymers (the most common in domestic prosthetic dentistry for the manufacture of basis removable dentures), ranges (5,29÷19,2) kgf/cm2 and satisfies regulatory requirements. However, it appears that the indicator of the strength of MMP «PM-C», which is (5,29±0,23) kgf/cm2 less than the material «Silagum AV Comfort» – (5,85±0,19) kgf/cm2 and significantly (p<0.05) less than that of the material «Ufi Gel P» – (19,2±0,25) kg/cm2. It was revealed that at least a conditional viscosity, respectively, reduces the adhesion of dentures and violates their retention and stabilization of the clinical operation, which significantly prolongs the adaptation of patients and reduces the quality of life. For adhesive materials that are used to improve the fixation of removable dentures is obtained and the corresponding relative standard qualimetrics indicators that ranged from (0,157 inch 0,327) bits. Based on the objectives of the study, for the integral based on the properties of the studied alginate materials we obtained average values of the generalized indicator of quality for each of them and proven that the highest clinical and technological quality upon receipt of the reprint can be secured using the material «Ypeen-Premium», since N=0,388 bit (the consistency of material properties – higher). For the multifactorial account of the properties of the investigated tooth-technical waxes given us in the experimental samples of the calculated average values of the generalized indicator of quality for each of the waxes and proved that the highest clinical and technological quality inherent in the material «Vlad Miwa» (Russia), since N=0,142 bit (the consistency of the material properties is the highest). A comparative study of adhesion properties of insulating varnishes revealed that the best adhesion can be achieved by material «Izolak» because its average is (4,8±0,4) mm2, whereas «Izokol-69» and «Izalgin» is also significantly exceeded the indicative reference values ISO 14569 almost in 1,6–1,7 times. With all (provided the ISO 14569) studied the properties of insulating varnishes, made General evaluation of indicator of the quality of these materials and found that the most congruent insulating varnish is «Izokol-69» (H=0,284 bit), ranked in second place – «Izolak» (N=0,326 bit), the third – «Izalgin» (N=0,330 bit).
With the aim of conducting a comparative multivariate qualimetrical analysis of structural and auxiliary dental materials, we using the same methodology comprehensive assessment of their properties of the received data which is integrally characterizing the quality of the material at a range of indicators.
Keywords: qualimetric evaluation, dental materials, compliance, dental design.
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