The problem of periodontal tissue diseases is one of the most relevant in dental practice. Modern epidemiological data indicates a high prevalence of chronic generalized periodontitis associated with the influence of both endogenous and exogenous factors. Among the exogenous factors, smoking tobacco plays the main role in the development of etiopathogenesis of chronic generalized periodontitis.
Between the concomitant pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory diseases of the periodontal there is a close functional relationship that interacts with the course of the combined pathology.
The effect of smoking on the organs and tissues of the oral cavity, as well as on the whole body, is primarily determined by the intensity and duration of chemical, physical and thermal effects, as well as by individual morphofunctional features of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
Under the influence of smoking tobacco changes physico-chemical, immunological, biochemical parameters of oral fluid, which is reflected in local microbiocenosis.
Modern researchers estimate Helicobacter pylori as a factor affecting the course of inflammatory diseases of the periodontal disease. Helicobacter pylori can be found in the oral liquid and in the plaque, so it is fair to say that the oral cavity represents a permanent reservoir of this bacterium.
It has been established that in patients with a high Helicobacter pylori expansion in the stomach there are more severe inflammatory-destructive changes in periodontium.
For patients with acid-dependent stomach diseases and associated periodontal diseases, eradication anti-helicobacter pylori therapy should be prolonged and supplemented with oral sanitation.
The high prevalence of generalized periodontitis indicates the lack of development of effective therapeutic and preventive measures. That is why there is an urgent need to increase the effectiveness of preventive measures of inflammatory and inflammatory-destructive diseases of the periodontium on the background of tobacco-smoking and the associated pathology of the stomach.
Keywords: chronic generalized periodontitis, tobacco smoking, chronic hyperacid gastritis, Helicobacter pylori.
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