Introduction. The advisability to keep the third molars is a debate for a long time.
The aim of this work is to carry out a retrospective study of frequency and structure of foci of chronic odontogenic infection associated with third molars in males 15–44 years old.
Objects and methods. We analyzed the data of cone-beam computed tomography in 109 men in accordance with who recommendations of WHO distributed in age groups: 15–19; 20–24; 25–34; 35–44.
The results revealed that among the examined persons there are nobody that do not have four molars and 76 (70 %) people have all the third molars. Analysis of the presence of pathological pockets in the region of these teeth showed that they have the 76 (70 %) and 33 (30 %) are free from these. 25 (6 %) examined teeth are affected with caries. Combined lesions were fond in 7 (6 %) of persons. Changes in the periapical tissues were fixed in 196 (50 %) of the observations.
Conclusion. The presented material is the rationale for studies on the influence of third molars in the specified age periods for the homeostasis of the oral cavity and the entire body as healthy individuals and patients with traumatic injuries of the jaws.
Keywords: odontogenic foci of infection, dental caries, pathological pocket, and the third molars.
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