Ultrasonic method of manufacture of removable prostheses and methods of evaluation of their quality
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complete removable plastic prostheses
polymer based material
residual monomer
volume weight
functional quality

How to Cite

Nidzelsky, M., & Sokolovskaya, V. (2018). Ultrasonic method of manufacture of removable prostheses and methods of evaluation of their quality. Experimental and Clinical Dentistry, 2(1), 65-67. Retrieved from https://ecd.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/77


Analysis of literary set that the thickness of his base and volume is the important index of quality of removable prosthetic appliance. From the thickness of base in direct dependence, there are a heat-conducting, durability of prosthetic appliances, adaptation of by him and process of speech. Polymeric materials which are used for making of bases of complete removable prosthetic appliances have insufficient durability, the reason of can be the lacks of their polymerization. By us the offered method of making of base material from ultrasonic action and method of making of base of prosthetic appliance. Research of volume of prosthetic appliances, their by volume weight, fault detection of bases of complete removable prosthetic appliances set considerable advantages of the offered technology of polymerization of bases materials by an ultrasound before the generally accepted method. Degree of fixing and mucous membrane of prosthetic bed to the base of such prosthetic appliances more effective, andthe process of adaptation to prosthetic appliances with the lessthickness of base passes quick and more high-quality.

Keywords: complete removable plastic prostheses, polymer based material, residual monomer, ultrasound, defectoscopy, volume weight, functional quality, adaptation.

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